“May all beings be happy”
May all beings be free from enimity
May all beings be free from malice
May all beings be free from worry
May all beings preserve their well being
Khmer Bodywork | Massage ( ធ្វើសសៃ )
Khmer massage is an ancient system which uses manipulations of muscles, bones, tissues, and joints to relieve stress, tension and ailments afflicting the body (Kaya). The practice is initiated with Puja (Offerings) and Invitation of Kru chanting. This is followed by the drawing/blowing of incense smoke, Mantra blessing, and laying of hands to cleanse the body. After which, manual therapy is applied with the use of compression, pressure points, passive movement, and stretching. Each session ends with a Mantra blessing and tying of blessed red sting. (*Durration approx. 1hr 30min)
Inquiry & assessments are conducted prior to each session based on Khmer Buddhist healing philosophy.
Khmer Herbal Compress ( ស្អំ)
Is the application of Traditional Khmer herbs onto the body through the use of compression and kneeding. The herbs are first wrapped and steamed in cloth, then applied onto the body.
This therapeutic remedy works on soft tissue (muscle, fascia) to alleviate aches, pain, fatigue, bruises and swelling. It helps promote blood circulation & stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body while nourishing the skin. It has been shown to relieve stress, improve sleep, and overall well being.
Sessions begin with Puja (Offerings) and Invitation of Kru chanting. After which, herbal compression is applied onto the body. Each session ends with a Mantra blessing and tying of blessed red sting. (*Durration approx. 1hr 30min)
Koh Kjal ( កោសខ្យល់ )
Koh (Scrapping) Kjal (wind) or Scrapping the wind
Also known as coining, Is the use of a smooth edge tool (Coin) to stroke/ scrap the skin to create petechiae. This helps to detect/resolve adhesions in muscles and tendons. Coining helps stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the specific areas & pathways, thus promoting metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing and recovery.
Sessions begin with Puja (Offerings) and Invitation of Kru chanting. After which, all natural herbal balm is applied onto the body followed by scrapping. Each session ends with a Mantra blessing and tying of blessed red sting. (*Durration approx. 1hr 30min)
Traditional Khmer Medicine ( ឱសថបុរាណខ្មែរ )
Is the use of traditional Khmer medicinal herb to achieve balance & harmony of the 5 (S)khandas & 5 elements (Dhātu) that forms the sentient being. These remedies are prescribed in pill form, tonics, topical, poultice, fumigation, etc.
Inquiry & assessments are conducted prior to each session based on Khmer Buddhist healing philosophy.