“Dhamma pīti sukham seti vippasannena cetasã Ariyappavedite dhamme sadã ramati pandito”

“ He who imbibes the Dhamma abides in happiness with mind pacified; the wise man ever delights in the Dhamma revealed by the Ariyas.”

Dhammapada V79


Samadhi Kammaṭṭhān | Meditation ( សមាធិ កម្មដ្ឋន )

Samadhi Kammaṭṭhān (meditation) is the cultivation of Samatha (mind-calmness) & Vipassana (insight) through the 4 iriyāpatha (Postures) emphasizing nisinna (Sitting). This is accomplished by establishing Sati (mindfulness) and Samādhī (Concentration) through the practice of Ānāpānasati (Mind-fullness of breathing). Each session begins with Maha Namaskar chanting to the triple gem (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) and ritual puja (offerings) followed by the invitation of Dharma/Kammatthan & Acariya chanting in Khmer/Pali. After which, there will be a brief discussion about Samadhi Kammaṭṭhān leading to a guided practice. The practice concludes with a discussion, Mantra blessing ​(Pros Prom), and tying of red string.

Samatha (សមថ) & Vipasana (វិបស្សនា) are both qualities, or states of being developed through the practice of meditation. They are both developed in synchronicity with one another and have been traditionally taught as such. This practice is available for individual sessions, classes, workshops, & retreats.


Boran Kammaṭṭhān Khmer ( សមាធិកម្មដ្ឋនខ្មែរ )

Borann Kammaṭṭhāna also referred to as Mula Kammaṭṭhāna, Yogāvacara, Esoteric/Tantric Theravada meditation or Dharmakaya meditation is a traditional Buddhist meditation practice founded & preserved through Khmer Buddhism. Each session begins with Maha Namaskar chanting to the triple gem (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) and ritual puja (offerings) followed by the invitation of Dharma/Kammatthan & Acariya chanting in Khmer/Pali. After which, there will be a brief discussion about Buddhist teachings & instructions leading to the meditation practice. The practice concludes with a discussion, Mantra blessing (pros prom), and tying of red string.

This service is currently only offered for retreats (*requiring at least a 2 week minimum)
* previous meditation experience is not required. However, is recommended


Dharma Talk (សម្តែងព្រះធម៌)

sheds light on Buddhist philosophy & the understanding of Dharma through khmer perspective & living tradition. It offers insight and guidance into living in accordance with dharma (truth/natural law). Talks begin with Maha Namaskara to the Tri- Ratana (triple gem) followed by topics of discussion & collective inquiry. Sessions conclude with asking for forgiveness to the triple gem (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha)