កុណា [ Kona ]
កុណា / Kona / ( Konaa )
is the short form of ករុណា / Ka?ru?naa? / Karunā which means “Compassion”
It is used in Khmer language as a noun when addressing oneself to Buddhist monks, holy men, gurus & Kings (Devaraja). It is used in pleasant speech to present oneself as an embodiment of compassion while asking to receive compassion & mercy in return. It is the asking of forgiveness for past, present, & future offenses that have & may arise. It is commonly used as ខ្ញុំកុណា (Being of service & compassion) or its full form ខ្ញុំព្រះករុណា (being lord of service & compassion)
Let us remember to reflect on “Compassion” to have sympathy, understanding, & forgiveness for others as well as ask to receive it for oneself.